The Decision Women Network is a prayer/playgroup for women created to connect like-minded women, make new friends and enrich lives through the power of Prayer and friendship!

Why a PLAY/PRAYER group for women?.

Most women give their all to family, career, and community. And they enjoy it. But, along the way, sometimes our existing bonds of friendship gradually diminish. Membership in the Decision Women Network is a rewarding vehicle for reconnecting old friends, making new friends and rediscovering the joy of getting together with other woman for the express purpose of PRAYER/HAVING FUN! We whole-heartedly promote periods of “recess” from the cares and duties of everyday life in which Decision Women gather for no other purpose than to PRAY/PLAY.

Who are the women of The Decision Women Network?.

Our Queens and Members are from all walks of life and have varied interests. As a result, each GROUP is unique. Decision Women Network may have multiple GROUPS in a given town. If a woman wants to be Queen of her own Chapter, then by all means, self appoint! Members who have attained the fabulous age of 50 wear red hats and WHITE clothing, while those under 50 wear pink hats and lavender clothing..

What do Decision Women Network Members do?.

Our Queens & Members CONSTANTLY make friends ONLINE, and gather locally in groups, known as THE HAVEN, simply for fun. The DWN website provides Members with an Event Calendar for posting and viewing local Chapter events. Some of our favorite activities are to go to lunch, shop, see movies, PRAY TOGETHER and DWN EVENTS.

The Benefits of Being a Part of The Decision Women Network

Yes, we are all about “PRAYER/play,” but we cannot discredit the deeper, more meaningful benefits of DWN Membership – powerful interpersonal connections and emotional support systems built among Sisters both online and offline. We support one another in every life stage from all corners of the globe! We are reshaping the way women are viewed in today’s culture by promoting, not only fun and friendship, but freedom from stereotypes and fulfillment of goals and dreams. PRAYER is the foundation on which we base healthy, rewarding lives Decision Women Network naturally promotes positive PRAYER LIVES!

I urge you to be vitally involved in JOINING the Decision Women Network Life. Let us rise up together and fill the earth with the knowledge of God’s Word, as the waters cover the sea.

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Hello Dear! I Urge You To Be Vitally Involved In JOINING The Decision Women Network Life. Let Us Rise Up Together And Fill The Earth With The Knowledge Of God’s Word, As The Waters Cover The Sea.